30 março 2005

Sinful Existence

Sinful Existence

His post made me think...

"As pessoas podem aparecer por acaso na sua vida, mas tenha certeza, nao permanecerao nela por acaso."

24 março 2005

You'll Here!!!!

Just getting myself ready to go to the airport and pick you up!!!!
Can't wait till I feel your embrace again!!!
I don't want that anymore, staying so long without seeing each other!!!!

23 março 2005

1 day..... and you'll be here!!!! :****

Just saw my parents!!! I fell so relief!!! They look okay!!!
Even though the bruises are still visible, the sins of that horrible event are still there...
One thing I can only say "Thank the Heavens Above, that they are okay!!!!"
And maybe, just maybe.... it will make them open up their eyes, and actually listen to what people have to say about couple of things... it is a bad thing but it's a good lesson...

Boo.... you coming soon!!!!
Just in 24hrs, you'll going to land here!!!
1 More day!!!! OMG!!!!!! ;********

I dunno if you got your plane ticket!!!
I just know that you have to!!! Cuz tomorrow night you'll be close to me!!!!
That's the only sane thing I can think of!!!
Having you next to me!!! Holding me!!! Kissing me!!!

Can't wait to go to the airport and pick you up!!!

22 março 2005

2 more days!!! Yeay!!!!

Do I have to say anything more than..... I just miss you!!!!

And I can't wait till you get here!!!!

Crazy for you!!! ;)

21 março 2005

3 more days...'till I can feel your embrace!!!

"...If you're lost you can look
and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you
I'll be waiting
Time after time
If you're lost you can look
and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you
I'll be waiting
Time after time

After my picture fades and darkness has
Turned to gray
Watching through windows--you're wondering
If I'm OK
Secrets stolen from deep inside
The drum beats out of time..." - Time after Time (Cindy Lauper)

Babe, thanks for being like you are... I needed that extra strenght!!!
Smacks to you!!!!

20 março 2005

4 more days!!!

What else can I say???
I feel asleep waiting for your embrace!!!

Happy that you be here in couple of days!!!
Miss you honey bun

19 março 2005

5 more days!!!!

Why people are so fu**ing cowards??? Why bad things happen to good people???
Why Why Why.... is the only thing that came through my mind....
How can God forgive all the wrong people do? How can we feel so helpless, so worthless???
How How How..... is what is going through my mind now....
What is good? What is bad? What makes you think you deserve more than the person next to you?
What What What..... is all I can say right now....
How come the world became so full of s**t? How come people are so ambitious and mean?
How come How come How come.... is like that....
Thank The Heavens above for not having anything more than a couple injuries....
or what else would I do without my family???

Sea is coming, I really need his embrace... his touch.... his practical way of thinking....
I love being around you, you make me a more balanced person....
Otherwise, I would be mutering to myself lots of bad things... and never letting go of the madness that somethings made me feel.
Thank you for being you, and telling me all the things you did.
If I didn't have you to talk to.... I would not know how to come down...
Sea, 5 more days to go!!! :***

18 março 2005

6 more days!!!! ;*******

It's funny how when you are starting to feel desperate, something good happens to let you know that everything is gonna be all right. Just trust in God above, pratice what Buddah teaches, and find true happinness like the Dalai Lama!!!
Just like I wrote on a post a couple days a go:

"Seek happy days for happy nights" - Shakespeare

God only gives when He thinks we are ready to have it.
So don't ever give up hope.
Cuz if you wait a little, you will understand why you couldn't have before!!! ;)

17 março 2005

Starting countdown!!! 7 days to go...

My Boo is coming home!!!! For Easter!!!
Can't wait to pick him up and kiss him like crazy!!!!
smacks smacks smacks

16 março 2005

Metamorfose Ambulante

I'm in a sea of uncertainties.
And there's nothing better than this song by Raul Seixas to express a little bit of what I'm feeling.

"Eu prefiro ser essa metamorfose ambulante,
Do que ter aquela velha opiniao formada sobre tudo
Eu quero dizer agora o oposto do que eu disse antes
Sobre o que eh o amor
Sobre o que eu nem sei quem sou
Se hj eu sou estrela
Amanha ja se apagou
Se hj eu te odeio
Amanha lhe tenho amor
lhe tenho amor lhe tenho horror lhe faco amor
Eu sou um ator
E chato chegar a um objetivo num instante
Eu quero viver nessa metamorfose ambulante
Do que ter aquela velha opiniao formada sobre tudo.
Eu vou desdizer
Aquilo que eu lhe disse antes
Eu prefiro ser essa metamorfose ambulante
Do que ter aquela velha opiniao formada sobre tudo." - Raul Seixas

15 março 2005

Things for Hats

I'm really into Hats, Caps, and .... love all of them, some don't really look good on me, but some made me look stylish!
And I wouldn't deny that I love to look stylish!!!
It got to do with all that I actually live for, My Work!
And it became my life style.
I need to get more Hats for my collection...
maybe going to those flea markets, and goodwill or salvation army stores.... or even those second hand places....
I might actually find ones that I can buy. Cuz lately the only ones I do like... they only lend it to you...
Oh well....

14 março 2005

Finding Neverland

I bought the DVD, but I haven't seen the movie before.
I have read good reviews about it, but we never know right?
It was a shot on the dark!!!
But I wasn't surprised when I started to watch the movie and be amazed with it!
One of the best movies I have seen and Johnny Deep and Kate Winslet performance!!!
Just WOW!!!! Thumbs up!!! Worth having it, and share it!!! :D

13 março 2005

A little bit of Shakespeare...

- "I'll look to like, if looking liking move:
But no more deep will I endart mine eye
Than your consent gives strength to make it fly."

- "Go, girl, seek happy nights to happy days"

- "Is love a tender thing? it is too rough,
Too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn."

- "If love be rough with you, be rough with love;
Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down."

"Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight!
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.
- If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
- Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.
- Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?
- Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.
- O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.
- Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.
- Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.
Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.
- Then have my lips the sin that they have took.
- Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.
- You kiss by the book."

- "Sweet, so would I:
Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing.
Good night, good night! parting is such
sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow."

bits and pieces from Romeo and Juliet - couple of the verses that I love to read!!!

12 março 2005

That's all I got to say today!!!!

I was going through yahoo's horoscope things.... and I test our compatibility!!!
Here's the answer:

"Romantic Compatibility
Provided byAstrology.com

Taurus & Sagittarius

When Taurus and Sagittarius come together in a love affair, their connection can be incredibly passionate and steamy, but they must give themselves time to learn about the particular energy this relationship generates. They both have much to gain from their union! While Sagittarius thrives when they're constantly experiencing new people, places, foods and more, Taurus can be quite content with routine as it affords them the security they so prize. Early in the relationship, Taurus might tend to demand more commitment and stability than Sagittarius is ready to give, but if Taurus can learn to be patient, Sagittarius can definitely come to appreciate the comforts of hearth and home.

These two Signs approach life quite differently. Taurus tends to be sedate and practical, which offsets Sagittarius's restless demeanor. Sagittarius may have trouble with Taurus's seemingly dull complacency, and will try to rev Taurus up -- which is about as smart and works about as well as trying to spark a slow, steady Bull to action! (In other words, watch out for those horns!) Taurus actually has much to offer Sagittarius, though Sagittarius may have trouble admitting their need for a secure base. Sagittarius can bring lots of fun and adventure into Taurus's life.

Taurus is ruled by Venus (Love) and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (Luck). The Venus influence lends Taurus their love of beauty, luxury and sensual pleasures. The Jupiter influence is what marks Sagittarius as the Teacher of the Zodiac -- Jupiter is concerned with philosophy, higher learning, expansion, optimism, luck and travel. Together this combination of beauty and expansion, masculine and feminine energy is why these two Signs admire and sustain one another.

Taurus is an Earth Sign and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius needs space to move around and flame brightly; Taurus, on the other hand, is down to earth and needs stability. Sagittarius relies on feeling and impulse to direct them through life, while Taurus is practical and concerned with efficiency. These approaches to life can either be complementary or sources of stress if the two Signs can't learn to understand and accept one another. As long as they both take care to reassure the other that the relationship is special and important (Taurus, especially, needs this reassurance), things will run smoothly between them.

Taurus is a Fixed Sign and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Taurus is stubborn; once their mind is made up, it takes a lot to convince them to change it. Sagittarius craves variety. If this urge to experience something new strays into the realm of experiencing new partners, Sagittarius had best beware. Taurus does not tolerate infidelity; if cheating occurs, Taurus will be deeply wounded and the relationship may not survive the strain. In turn, Taurus must give Sagittarius the freedom to enjoy other experiences and people (on a platonic level, of course!). Taurus can teach Sagittarius the benefits of a secure relationship; Sagittarius can show Taurus that flexibility is sometimes better than following a set, well-worn path.

What's the best aspect of the Taurus-Sagittarius relationship? The new perspectives they can give each other once each partner becomes familiar with the ways in which they differ. Theirs is a stable and happy relationship once they understand and accept these differences."

10 março 2005

Why can't we give love that one more chance!!!

"Love's such an old fashioned word
And love dares you to care for
The people on the edge of the night
And love dares you to change our way of
Caring about ourselves" - Under Pressure - Queen

09 março 2005

When I loved myself enough....

I stop settling for too little.

I came to know my own goodness.

I began taking the gift of life seriously and gratefully.

I saw that I didn't have to go after life. If I stayed still life would come after me.

I learn that fullfilling my wishes weren't an act of selfishness.

- all by Kim McMillen, book by Kim McMillen & Alison McMillen from "When I loved myself enough"

07 março 2005


"Se tivessemos de escolher entre conhecimento e virtude, a ultima seria sem duvida a melhor escolha, pois e mais valiosa. O bom coracao que e fruto da irtude e por si so um grande beneficio para a humanidade. O mero conhecimento, nao." - Dalai Lama

06 março 2005

Finding my inner self!!!

Meditating... looking for answers, looking for questions, looking for a way to settle down my mind!!!

05 março 2005

Cleaning Up!!!

I have to start cleaning up my closet!!!
Letting things go... so new things can come in!!!
Have to make room for the new, and like I read on a book once....
Make good luck come knock on my door!!!
But good luck gotta find me.... and it can't be on a messy place!!!
And besides is good for us, to let go of old feelings... old things...
So we can move foward!!!! ;)

04 março 2005

Bird on a Cage

A friend of mine saw this cage on a art exhibit, and thought of me...
For once I felt like that woman inside the cage....
Setting myself free!!! For I'm going through the changes I had to make to be Free again!!!

03 março 2005

to you SEA

The Cure - A Letter To Elise

oh elise it doesn't matter what you say
i just can't stay here every yesterday
like keep on acting out the same
the way we act out
every way to smile
and make-believe we never needed
any more than this
any more than this
oh elise it doesn't matter what you do
i know i'll never really get inside of you
to make your eyes catch fire
the way they should
the way the blue could pull me in
if they only would
if they only would
at least i'd lose this sense of sensing something else
that hides away
from me and you
there're worlds to part
with aching looks and breaking hearts
and all the prayers your hands can make
oh i just take as much as you can throw
and then throw it all away
oh i throw it all away
like throwing faces at the sky
like throwing arms round
i stood and stared
wide-eyed in front of you
and the face i saw looked back
the way i wanted to
but i just can't hold my tears away
the way you do
elise believe i never wanted this
i thought this time i'd keep all of my promises
i thought you were the girl always dreamed about
but i let the dream go
and the promises broke
and the make-believe ran out...
oh elise
it doesn't matter what you say
i just can't stay here every yesterday
like keep on acting out the same
the way we act out
every way to smile
and make-believe we never needed
any more than this
any more than this
and every time i try to pick it up
like falling sand
as fast as i pick it up
it runs away through my clutching hands
but there's nothing else i can really do
there's nothing else
i can really do
at all...

and with these song I ...

02 março 2005

Quiet Time, Quiet Place, for a quiet mind

Woke up today, like I went to sleep last night...
Not in that talkative mood I'm always in...

So let me be...
in my quiet place...
dreaming and making believe...
or else, why should I ever go to sleep again???

It seems like I dream too much, for nothing does happen...
but yet I still have to, cuz deep down that's the only thing that make me get up everyday...
My dreams, my hopes, my happiness...

And even if another path is chosen...
I might not accept it, but I still have to live with it...
Since nothing in this life is how we wanted it to be!!!

01 março 2005

The Oprah Winfrey Show

I was watching a rerun of Oprah today... and She was showing the "ugliest room in america" and couple of makeovers, like how your home should reflect who you are!
And She made an interview with a terapist, that helps people get back on track.... in a simple way, just redoing a bedroom, or living room.... and so on....
It made me wonder, I always thought about these kind of things... and my bedroom is not a place I like people coming in to.... or my home for that matter, is never the way I want it to be...
I have to find deep in myself something to help me do that inner growth!!!
And who knows? Maybe by redoing my bedroom, I can find myself!!! ;)


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