14 junho 2006

The wound is still open...

I got my heart broken a while ago...
I believed I found the right one, I was happy, I was in love and I took a risk.
It didn't work it out...

Since then I promised myself that I wouldn't allow this to happen again...
From that moment on I only looked for friends that came with a benefit.
Today I realized that I can have all the friends with benefits.
But I will never fell like a whole again...

My whole comes when I'm not scared to try...
To let happiness come in
To let love back in to my life
To open up my heart for new chances
And most of all, to let myself take the risk to fall for someone again...

Being scared to get my heart broken kept me away from falling in love and letting someone take care of it...

I have to let the wound heal... And let you take care of me until it does...

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