13 janeiro 2009

Exposicao de fotografia!

"Year of Fashion" uma exposicao de 12 meses que faz um tributo aos maiores da historia em materia de estilo! O museu abre no dia 16 de janeiro com 3 exibicoes simultaneas, mas unicas!

Quem tiver uma chancezinha de estar em NY em qq epoca do ano, super da uma visitinha, que acho q vai ser inacre!

aonde? No International Center of Photography, o end ta laaaa no finzinho do clipping!

Haute Photography

By Emily Long • Jan 13th, 2009 • Category: Art

Although the fashion industry may be scaling back with smaller, more intimate runway shows, the International Center of Photography is just gearing up for its “Year of Fashion,” a 12-month-long tribute to style history’s greats. The museum opens on January 16, 2009 with three simultaneous, but completely unique exhibitions.

Exhibits will switch over in May 2009 to show work from two influential artists: Richard Avedon, who led photography to consider the modern woman in a different way; and David Seidner, who was commissioned to photograph a set of dolls designed by post-WWII French designers.

International Center of Photography
Year of Fashion
1133 Avenue of the Americas at 43rd, NYC
Closed Mondays, General Admission $12

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