20 outubro 2007

Rotor House

Nos tempos de hj, sem espaco, nos horriveis apartamentos neoclassicos que andam levantando e assustando por ai...... preferia um apartamentozinho moderninho, minusculo, mas beeem estiloso....

Quem sabe um dia essa casa nao vira apartamento e a gente entra na vida Jetsons que passei a infancia inteira pensando em viver!!!!!

clipped from mocoloco.com

Hanse Colani Rotor House
Posted by Admin
Architecture | Nov 1, 2004

hanse_haus_colani_oct_04.jpgCompact four-rooms-in-one house.
Designer Luigi Colani has created a space-saving house with a six square meter cylinder inside that contains a bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. The cylinder rotates left or right bringing the room you want into view of the main living room. There's a separate toilet and a small hallway, and everything is controlled with a remote. The house was designed for young professionals who need minimal space while they focus on career...

+ hanse-haus.de




View of the cylinder from the living room.


The bathroom.


The bedroom.

The kitchen.

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